Temple Oseh Shalom of Bluffton, SC, is an Egalitarian, Reform-oriented Jewish congregation with over 450 members. Temple Oseh Shalom was founded in 2006 as a place for area Jews to meet. Temple Oseh Shalom was originally served by a lay religious leader but today is served by a visiting Rabbi for its monthly Shabbat Services and for High Holiday services. For more information on the history of the Temple, we invite visitors to view our 13-minute video on YouTube that summarizes Temple Oseh Shalom’s origins, evolution, and services our congregation provides: Temple Oseh Shalom 10th Anniversary Video.
Temple Oseh Shalom is an active and compassionate Jewish congregation whose members enjoy an inclusive structure of religious services to satisfy their spiritual needs and provide educational and social opportunities in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Through the guidance of our clergy, lay leadership, auxiliary groups, and diverse membership, Temple Oseh Shalom represents a Jewish presence in the local community that maintains fruitful and respectful relationships with other area synagogues and various religious institutions.
Temple Oseh Shalom is not your traditional synagogue! For example, we do not occupy a dedicated building that requires a building fund and maintenance fees. Instead, we use space provided by the Lowcountry Presbyterian Church in Bluffton, SC, for our monthly Shabbat Services on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, followed by a Saturday morning educational lecture by the visiting Rabbi. To better understand the relationship between the Temple and Church, we encourage you to read a 2017 article in the local newspaper – The Island Packet – that described a joint project that our two religious organizations undertook: The story of ‘The Cabinet: “How two congregations share space and faith”
However, Temple Oseh Shalom does offer many of the familiar aspects of a synagogue. We offer a Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Choir, Film Club, Book Club, Care Committee, Community Outreach, Tree of Life for Yahrzeit Remembrance, dedicated cemetery, monthly newsletter, and many other services congregants expect from their synagogue. We offer Bar/ Bat Mitzvah training for those that did not have the opportunity in their youth to savor the emotional feeling of this accomplishment. (Again, the video on the 10-year history highlights some of these lifecycle activities.)
Our affiliate organizations and outreach programs have benefitted our membership and the surrounding community. The Sisterhood sponsors various functions throughout the year – including The Sisterhood Seder, Mah Jongg/Card Party, and Fashion Show to name a few – that allow our female members to gather together and have a good time; many of these programs result in fundraising that goes to support the Temple or the local community.
The Brotherhood offers many opportunities for our members to enjoy various activities – e.g. bi-monthly breakfast meetings that feature outside speakers and occasional trips to local sights of interest. Applications for the Brotherhood and Sisterhood are posted on this website as well as a membership application for joining Temple Oseh Shalom.
Sound interesting? Come join us and become part of our vibrant, active Temple.